Disclosure of interests
Directors, CEO and substantial shareholders are required to notify Niks Professional Ltd. (“NPL”) of changes in their interest in securities of NPL under the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289).
Share information of NPL as at 25 November 2024
(For latest number of shares held by all shareholders of the Company, please refer to link.)
Class of shares: Ordinary and fully paid
Voting rights: One vote per share
Number of shares: 130,000,000
Number of treasury shares: NIL
Number of subsidiary holdings: NIL
Notification obligations

Submission procedures
- Download the serially-numbered forms from MAS website at: https://www.mas.gov.sg/regulation/capital-markets/disclosure-of-interest-in-listed-securities
- Fill up the relevant forms, “Save as Final” (Scanned PDF format for non-electronic Form 2) and email to: ir@nikspro.com
- Upon receipt, Niks Professional Ltd. will upload the electronic forms on SGXNet within 1 business day.
Important points to note
- “Save as Draft” function: Can continue to edit the form and add/delete attachments upon re-opening the form.
- “Save as Final” function: All fields in form will be locked. No further amendments can be made.
- Copy information from one form (Draft or final version) to another form of the same number and version can be done using the “Export XML” and “Import XML” buttons. Attachment(s) need to be re-uploaded.
- If you encounter difficulties, please contact MAS helpdesk and they will respond to you within 1 working day.
MAS Helpdesk
Telephone: +65 6225 5577
Contact link: https://www.mas.gov.sg/contact-us
Operating hours: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays)